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Wisconsin pastor Robert Stine free of child sex assault charges

A former Wisconsin pastor and president of the Minnesota-Wisconsin Baptist Convention, Robert Stine, has been found not guilty of child sex assault. Stine previously served as the pastor of Midvale Baptist Church in Madison, Wisconsin, and led the church’s Kid’s Best daycare program.

Trial and Verdict

The jury’s verdicts concluded a two-day trial that included testimony from both Stine and his accuser, who is now 15 years old. The girl had accused Stine of assaulting her two times when she was 10 years old and attended the church’s daycare and summer camp in 2019. Local news outlets reported that Stine was emotional after hearing his verdict, briefly sitting alone at the defendant’s table while his supporters wept and hugged each other.

Stine’s attorney, Christopher Van Wagner, expressed gratitude for the jury’s careful consideration of the evidence. Van Wagner said Stine is “grateful the jury looked closely at the evidence and reached the right decision.” Stine has maintained his innocence since the accusations were first reported in 2021. He was formally charged in August 2022 and pled not guilty to both counts.

Impact on Church and Community

In June 2023, Stine lost his operator’s license for the church’s childcare facility following an investigation by the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families and the Madison Police Department. Subsequently, Stine resigned from Midvale Baptist Church. Van Wagner clarified that Stine’s resignation was not an admission of wrongdoing but a measure to spare the church and its members from unnecessary distraction or concern.

During the trial, the accuser testified that Stine assaulted her first on Martin Luther King Jr. Day in 2019 and again in the summer of that same year. Van Wagner asked the jury to scrutinize the consistency and logic of her statements, pointing out discrepancies in her testimony. For instance, the girl mentioned another adult’s presence at the church on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, whereas witnesses testified that Stine was always the sole adult present on such days.

Stine also took the stand, asserting that he only vaguely remembered the girl and did not harm her. “What I do know is I didn’t touch her inappropriately. That much I’m clear about,” Stine stated. The prosecution maintained that the girl’s claims were consistent and supported by family members, church members, and a detective involved in the case.

Stine had served at Midvale Baptist Church since 2007, previously leading a church in Iowa and graduating from the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. His former church is currently seeking a permanent pastor. Despite the acquittal, the case has had a lasting impact on the church and the community.


Former Wisconsin Pastor Found Not Guilty of Child Sex Assault

Image credit: Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

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