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Wealthy pastors embrace life coaching for financial growth

In recent years, many wealthy pastors have transitioned from writing best-selling books to generating income through life coaching. This shift enables them to maintain lifestyles that rival those of secular celebrities, earning substantial sums from side businesses while continuing their pastoral duties. With some charging fees from $29 per month to tens of thousands per year, pastors such as Keith Craft, Nicole Crank, Hope Carpenter, and John Maxwell have adopted life coaching as an additional revenue stream.

High-Priced Coaching from Prominent Pastors

Keith Craft, pastor of Elevate Life Church in Texas, is one of the most well-known figures in this space. Craft charges clients $84,000 annually for his Life Mastery Mastermind program. His impressive property portfolio, including homes in multiple states and a private jet, is estimated to be worth over $13 million. Craft’s ventures don’t stop at coaching, as he also runs various businesses, including a yacht charter and a private jet service.

Similarly, Nicole Crank, co-lead pastor of Faith Church, offers her coaching services through a $16,999 Inner Circle Mastermind program. Like Craft, Crank owns multiple luxurious properties, including a $5.6 million beach mansion in Florida.

Lower-Priced Coaching Options Exist

Not all pastoral life coaching is prohibitively expensive. Hope Carpenter, wife of televangelist Ron Carpenter, offers coaching services for as little as $29 monthly. These online sessions allow wider accessibility for those seeking personal development, offering a contrast to the exclusive and high-priced options of others.

John Maxwell, another influential figure, integrates executive coaching with life coaching. He offers certification programs that blend leadership training with communication skills, appealing to business executives and church leaders alike.

The Financially Extravagant Lifestyle

The financially extravagant lifestyle of prosperity gospel and megachurch pastors often conflicts with scriptures encouraging Christians to pursue humility. Micah 6:8 reminds believers: “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” This raises the question, is God actually glorified when pastors obtain such wealth from their congregations?


Financing a Millionaire Lifestyle: Pastors Generate Wealth from Life and Business Coaching

Photo by Jingming Pan on Unsplash

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