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Trump, Evangelicals, and the “final battle”: Lance Wallnau’s role explained

As Donald Trump inches closer to the 2024 presidential election, his rhetoric increasingly revolves around America’s “final battle” against what he calls “sinister” and “dangerous” forces. This messaging resonates with his evangelical supporters, particularly those who align with a movement called the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), led by figures like Lance Wallnau. Wallnau has gained prominence in Christian nationalist circles by portraying Trump as a modern-day King Cyrus, chosen by God to restore America and wage spiritual warfare against unseen demonic forces working to undermine the nation.

Wallnau’s Influence on Trump’s Evangelical Supporters

Lance Wallnau, a Christian leader known for his prophetic declarations, plays a pivotal role in mobilizing the Christian right behind Donald Trump. Wallnau’s rise to influence began in 2016 when he correctly predicted Trump’s presidential win before the political establishment took Trump seriously. Since then, he has worked tirelessly to bolster Trump’s image among evangelical Christians, casting him as anointed by God to lead the United States during its spiritual and political “final battle.

Wallnau, 68, has been a prominent figure in the NAR, a movement that believes modern-day apostles and prophets can hear directly from God and shape the political landscape. His interpretation of Trump’s leadership is that of a strongman akin to King Cyrus, a biblical figure who liberated the Israelites from exile. This comparison has helped solidify Trump’s position as a spiritual leader among his evangelical base, even though Trump himself has been hesitant to embrace deep religious discussions.

A Spiritual Warrior or Political Opportunist?

Wallnau’s influence extends beyond religious rhetoric. His teachings blend spiritual warfare with political mobilization, often painting Democrats, particularly Vice President Kamala Harris, as harbingers of evil. His framing of the 2024 election pits Trump’s campaign as a divine mission, where opposing Trump equates to opposing God’s will. This language has helped fuel the broader MAGA movement, creating a sense of religious urgency among supporters.

One key moment in Wallnau’s relationship with Trump’s presidency came during a July event when Trump narrowly survived an assassination attempt. Wallnau, in a widely shared social media post, described how he prayed for Trump, cupping the former president’s ears on a cardboard cutout in his prayer closet without knowing where Trump had been wounded. This event, Wallnau claims, proves the divine intervention that surrounds Trump’s life and leadership.

Wallnau’s Prophetic Role in Trump’s Campaign

Wallnau’s role in Trump’s political campaign has evolved into a blend of prophecy and political strategy. His “Courage Tour,” which travels to crucial swing counties, aims to “break demonic strongholds” ahead of the 2024 election. Wallnau has partnered with several other Christian nationalist influencers to promote the idea that the election is a battle between good and evil.

Wallnau’s credibility as a prophet stems largely from his ability to predict Trump’s political victories and frame them as part of a divine plan. In his view, Trump’s leadership is critical to achieving God’s purpose for America, a message that resonates deeply with evangelical voters who believe that their nation is under spiritual attack.

However, this spiritual-political alliance has its critics. Matthew Taylor, a senior scholar at the Institute for Islamic, Christian, and Jewish Studies, warns that Wallnau’s brand of charismatic Christianity is blending with far-right ideologies, creating a volatile mix of religious fervor and radical political rhetoric.

“Charismatic spirituality is chaotically blending with QAnon and other conspiracy theories; militia groups are adopting charismatic practices and rhetoric of spiritual warfare (and) anti-government; and anti-vaxx sentiments are being pushed by charismatic preachers and prophets,” said Taylor.

Taylor compares Wallnau’s rise to Trump advisers like Steve Bannon and Roger Stone, who were once fringe figures but now have significant influence within the GOP.

Radicalization and the Rise of Christian Nationalism

Wallnau’s teachings reflect the broader movement of Christian nationalism that seeks to bring religious beliefs into the political sphere. His 7 Mountain Mandate doctrine, which argues that Christians should dominate key areas of society — including government, media, and education — has grown in popularity within evangelical circles. Wallnau and his followers believe that America’s future hinges on reclaiming these areas from demonic influence.

His messaging taps into the fears of evangelical voters, warning them that without action, America will be lost to forces of evil. Wallnau’s narrative is similar to that of other far-right influencers, such as Alex Jones, blending conspiracy theories about the Deep State and Marxist agendas with calls for spiritual warfare.

The Consequences of Wallnau’s Influence

Wallnau’s influence on Trump’s base is undeniable, but it raises concerns about the increasing radicalization of the MAGA movement. His involvement in events like January 6th, where he encouraged his followers to fight for Trump, highlights the dangerous potential of his rhetoric. Wallnau’s messaging is not just about faith; it is a political strategy that uses spiritual language to galvanize voters and create a sense of urgency around Trump’s candidacy.

As the 2024 election approaches, Wallnau’s blend of spiritual warfare and political mobilization will likely continue to play a significant role in Trump’s campaign. His ability to frame political battles as divine missions has made him a key figure in Christian nationalist circles, where the lines between faith and politics are increasingly blurred.


Lance Wallnau, First to ‘Prophesy’ Trump Presidency, Is Back to Vanquish Anti-Trump Demons

Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

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