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Tragic family murders in Tennessee: A pastor’s heartbreaking journey

Dark clouds hovered over Simpson Cemetery as Rev. Tim Holton reflected on the tragic deaths of his four young relatives, murdered by their father, Daryl Holton. The siblings—Stephen, Brent, Eric, and Kayla—were all killed on the same day during Thanksgiving break in 1997. Their father, who believed he was sparing them from an abusive home, also took his own life after the murders. This tragedy left an indelible mark on Tim Holton, now a pastor in Tennessee.

Daryl Holton’s Justification

Daryl Holton, who was executed in 2007, maintained that killing his children was the right decision. He believed that their lives in a violent and neglectful environment were worse than death. Holton, a former Army weapons specialist, viewed his actions as necessary to save his children from further suffering. His cousin, Tim Holton, has struggled with understanding this rationale while dealing with the family’s complex emotions surrounding the murders and subsequent execution.

Family and Faith Divide

Tim Holton’s decision to publicly oppose Daryl’s execution caused a rift within the family, leading to strained relationships, especially with his parents. The Holton family, traditionally Southern Baptist, viewed Daryl’s crime and punishment through a lens of retribution, further alienating Tim. Despite this, Tim arranged for Daryl to be buried next to his children, a decision that deepened the family’s divide.

A Unique Ministry

Tim Holton’s experience has shaped his ministry, particularly his work with death row inmates. As a board member of Tennesseans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, Tim brings a unique perspective, having lost family members both to murder and the death penalty. His ministry focuses on providing spiritual support to those on death row, offering compassion and care in their final days. Tim views this work as a calling, a way to navigate the complex emotions of justice, forgiveness, and healing.


Pastor’s life shaped by family murders

Image: Photo by Chad Madden on Unsplash

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