In 2014, I started the Tournament of Artists. It first began as a spinoff of March Madness. But, there are so many good artists…I couldn’t keep it down to 64. My list had several hundred and the Tournament could not be contained in just one month. It went on for several months and eventually I had to step away from it. But, readers enjoyed it and I am eager to bring it back.
This time around the Tournament will look a little different. There will be seven match-ups at a time that will run for two weeks. Readers will vote on their favorite in each match-up. I have added a Tournament of Artists: Master’s Division page where readers can follow how artists are doing in the Tournament over time. It is my hope that this will be a fun way for readers to learn about artists. Since part of the reason for the Tournament of Artists is educational, readers can click on the artwork and be taken to more information about the artist.
Vote for your favorite artist in each match-up!
Voting will be open through midnight on Saturday November 5th.