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Terrorist bombing leaves Christian community worried, confused

A terrorist attack left 14 dead and 63 injured during a baptism at a Pentecostal church in Kasindi, Congo. The Congolese Christians there are now asking for help saying they are worried and confused. 

The terrorist bombing happened on Jan. 16. The Democratic Republic of Congo has since arrested a Kenyan citizen for the incident.

The Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), an affiliate of the Islamic State’s Central Africa Province, reportedly carried out the attack. The ADF has been active since 1995 and is part of more than 120 armed groups in the province of North Kivu. 

The affected territory has a history of long-standing conflicts, being an area rich in natural resources. In discussing the attack, Christianity Today reported:

“A UN mapping report outlined the nation’s rich natural resources, which produce 10 percent of the world’s copper and 17 percent of diamonds. But the electronics industry is even more dependent on Congo. Computers and mobile phones rely on cobalt, of which 34 percent of global production is mined locally. And a staggering 60-80 percent of coltan reserves are located in North and South Kivu.”

Religious persecution in the region has affected Christian practice to the extent that a Congolese congregation that once had 54 churches has dwindled to 11. In another case, a different group was reduced from 25 churches to eight. 

Read the full story here.

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