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Serving the needy: A medical team’s mission on Mexico’s border

Last year, a medical mission team traveled to the southern border of Mexico, near Guatemala and the Pacific Ocean, to offer care to migrants, refugees, and displaced people. This team, coordinated by International Mission Board (IMB) missionaries Charlie and Robin Janney, included doctors, nurses, physician assistants, and physical therapists. Their mission was to provide essential medical care to those in desperate need, many of whom could not afford treatment otherwise.

Impact on Patients: Meeting Critical Needs

The medical team treated over 300 patients during their five-day mission. The patients’ stories revealed the dire circumstances they faced. One young man, injured while fleeing from a gunman who killed his mother, received treatment and found faith in Christ. Another patient mentioned eating only when someone provided food, highlighting the extreme hardships faced by many in the region.

Empowering the Medical Team: A Life-Changing Experience

For many team members, this mission was the beginning of their involvement in international missions. Robin Janney noted that one member plans to undergo training for IMB’s Journeyman program, while another feels called to serve in Africa. The team’s experience was transformative, with participants expressing a desire to continue their mission work, possibly even in retirement, through IMB’s Master’s program.

MedAdvance Conference: A Gateway to Mission Work

The Janneys met most of the team members at MedAdvance, a medical missions conference that connects healthcare professionals with IMB missionaries. The conference exceeded their expectations, offering opportunities to learn about global health strategies and connect with missionaries in the field. Six of the eight team members had attended MedAdvance, and the experience greatly strengthened their ability to work effectively together.

Fostering Relationships: Connection with the Local Church

The medical team not only impacted their patients but also forged strong bonds with the host church. The church members appreciated the team’s presence and even invited them out for coffee multiple times, fostering a sense of community. Additionally, team members led health education sessions on topics such as dehydration, providing valuable knowledge to both the church and patients.


Medical team serving migrants, refugees in Mexico


Photo by Miguel Urieta on Unsplash

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