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Report: Christian population is increasing in the Holy Land

On Christmas Day, a report presented by the Central Bureau of Statistics stated that the Christian population in Israel grew slightly. In 2021, the Christian population in the country grew by 2%, representing 1.9% of Israel’s population. The report also found that Arab Christians comprise the majority of Israel’s Christians (75.8%) which includes 6.9% of the country’s Arab population. The report further stated that most Arab Christians (21,100) live in Nazareth followed by 16,700 Christians in Haifa, 12,900 in Jerusalem and 10,500 in Shefar’am. Moreover, a Christian household’s average size was 3.06 people, which is similar to a Jewish household’s size (3.05), but less than a Muslim household’s size (4.46).

The Christian Post reports:

Israel’s Christian population grew slightly, with Arab Christians comprising most of the country’s Christians, according to a new report released on Christmas Day.

The report, released by the Central Bureau of Statistics on Sunday, found that Israel’s Christian community grew by 2% in 2021, representing 1.9% of the country’s population. According to the report, 75.8% of Christians in Israel are Arab Christians, accounting for 6.9% of the Arab population in Israel.

“In 2021, the total fertility rate of a Christian woman was an average of 1.77 children per woman, 1.80 in 2019,” the report reads. “The number of children per Arab Christian woman was lower still, at 1.68 children per woman.”

Most Arab Christians reside in Nazareth (21,100), followed by Haifa (16,700), Jerusalem (12,900), and Shefar’am (10,500), according to the report. The average size of a Christian household was 3.06 people, similar to the size of a Jewish household (3.05), but lower than a Muslim household (4.46).

“The average number of children up to age 17 in Christian families with children up to this age is 1.86,” the report adds. “Of these Christian families, the average number of children up to age 17 in Arab Christian families is 1.94 — smaller than the numbers in Jewish families (2.42) and in Muslim families (2.62).”

The report also found that 52.9% of Arab Christians and 31.2% of non-Arab Christians pursued higher education after completing high school, a larger proportion than both the Arab Muslim population (31.2%) and the Jewish population (48.2%).

Read the full article here

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