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Religious unaffiliation surge in the U.S.

Religious Affiliation Declines Across All Age Groups
Data from the Public Religion Research Institute shows every age group experienced declines in religious affiliation. The largest increases in unaffiliated individuals occurred among Americans aged 30 to 49. Their numbers grew nearly 48% between 2013 and 2023. Similarly, the percentage of unaffiliated individuals among those aged 18 to 29 rose from 32% to 36%. Even among Baby Boomers, the least unaffiliated age group, there was an increase from 11% to 18%. Overall, 27% of Americans now consider themselves unaffiliated, up from 21% a decade ago.

Political Implications and Geographic Concentration
While white Christians still dominate U.S. public policy, they now make up only 41% of the population. In contrast, the religiously unaffiliated are concentrated primarily in the western U.S., with San Juan County, Washington, and Gunnison County, Colorado, having the highest concentrations.

PRRI founder and president Robert P. Jones tells Axios the Republican Party’s racial and religious demographics generally match that of a typical 70-year-old American, while Democrats match Gen Z’s religious and racial makeup.

Religious Shifts Among Protestants and Catholics
The survey also reveals changes within Christian denominations. White evangelical Protestants now account for just 13% of the population, matching the percentage of white mainline Protestants. Meanwhile, Hispanic Catholics are nearly as numerous as white Catholics, indicating a shift within Catholicism.


Millennials, Gen Xers lead jump in “religiously unaffiliated”

Photo by m. on Unsplash

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