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Overcoming Addiction: Haleign Baker’s path to recovery and hope

Haleign Baker’s story is one of resilience and recovery. At just 22, Baker has lived through a turbulent past filled with addiction, violence, and imprisonment. Today, she finds solace at Dove Recovery House for Women, a sanctuary for women battling addictions. Sitting comfortably in an armchair, Baker reflects on her chaotic childhood, marked by domestic violence and constant police presence in her Greenfield neighborhood. She recalls moments of her mother’s struggles and her family’s troubled history.

Early Life and Struggles

Baker’s early memories are clouded with violence and neglect. She recounts witnessing her grandmother’s anger toward her mother, setting the tone for a childhood marked by instability. Her family’s home was a regular scene for police intervention, earning them the reputation of being the “white trash family” in their neighborhood. Despite her smart and talkative nature in school, Baker’s life soon took a turn as she succumbed to addiction and violent behaviors, eventually leading to her arrest.

Dove Recovery House: A New Beginning

Dove Recovery House offers Baker and other women a chance to rebuild their lives. Led by Wendy Noe, who combines empathy with corporate acumen, the house provides extensive programs, from therapy sessions to life skills training. With a 70% success rate, the program is a beacon of hope for women like Baker who seek transformation. Noe emphasizes that their approach focuses on love and understanding rather than punishment, helping women reclaim their lives from trauma and addiction.

A Path to Recovery

Baker’s time at Dove House has rekindled her dream of returning to college. Though her past is fraught with hardships, she remains grateful for the opportunity to heal and create a better future. She acknowledges that, without Dove House, she might not have had the courage to change her life. Dove House’s mission to provide free, long-term recovery for women like Baker ensures that once a “dove,” they always have a place to return and continue their journey toward healing.


Addicts blossom into ‘doves’ at recovery house

Photo by ???? ????? on Unsplash

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