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Legal battles intensify over Missouri’s abortion rights amendment

Missouri is at the center of a heated debate over whether to enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution. Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade in 2022, Missouri banned almost all abortions. In response, advocates are pushing for a constitutional amendment to restore abortion access.

As the deadline of September 10 approaches to finalize the November ballot, two Republican state lawmakers and a prominent anti-abortion leader have filed lawsuits aiming to remove the amendment from the ballot. Mary Catherine Martin, Senior Counsel for the Thomas More Society, argues that the amendment’s placement on the ballot was improper and misleading to voters. She claims the measure fails to adequately inform voters about the potential rollback of existing abortion regulations and protections.

Contention Over Ballot Language

The Secretary of State’s office describes the amendment as guaranteeing the right to abortion at any stage of pregnancy and preventing any regulation of the procedure. Opponents, however, contend that this language is overly broad and could allow for regulations post-fetal viability, as well as medical malpractice and wrongful-death lawsuits. They argue that the current description is biased and designed to sway voters unfairly.

National Implications and Ongoing Litigation

Missouri’s amendment is part of a broader national movement to let voters decide on abortion rights following Roe v. Wade’s reversal. Similar measures are on ballots in states like Arizona, Colorado, and Florida. Legal disputes over ballot language and the legitimacy of these measures are emerging nationwide. The lawsuit in Missouri is scheduled to go to trial on September 4, highlighting the state’s pivotal role in the national abortion rights landscape.

Future of Abortion Legislation in Missouri

With courts yet to schedule hearings, the future of the amendment remains uncertain. Supporters of the amendment believe it is crucial for protecting women’s rights, while opponents fear it will eliminate essential protections and lead to unrestricted abortion practices. The outcome of these legal challenges will significantly impact Missouri’s stance on abortion and could set precedents for other states grappling with similar issues.


Missouri abortion-rights amendment faces last-minute legal challenges

Photo by Sophia Simoes on Unsplash

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