Butch Hartman, the creator of the popular show The Fairly OddParents on Nickelodeon, recently launched a new show to educate children about the Bible and God. Hartman along with his wife, Julieann, released the first six episodes of the animated show titled The Garden. A lion named Lenny and a lamb named Lucy are the main characters featured in the 40-episode cartoon. As part of the show, children can access an app as well as a companion Bible that contains illustrations of the characters featured in the series. Butch expressed that he first had the idea for this cartoon way back in 2005, but it wasn’t until 2015 that he decided to pursue it, being guided by the Lord.
Christian Headlines reports:
The creator of the hit Nickelodeon show The Fairly OddParents has launched a new series that aims to teach children about God and the Bible.
Butch Hartman and his wife, Julieann, recently released six episodes of the 40-episode cartoon The Garden. The animated show is centered around the characters Lenny the lion and Lucy the lamb. The show also includes an app and a companion Bible that features illustrations of the characters from the series.
“Our point is to get Scripture as early into the hearts of children as we can,” Butch told The Christian Post in a recent interview.
Lenny and Lucy live in a garden together where everything that’s beautiful grows, and they talk to God, whom they refer to as “the boss,” daily. God, who comes down as a rainbow, talks to the characters and gives them assignments and tasks. However, they can only complete the tasks well after they turn to Scripture. The show also hopes to help children memorize Scripture through song.
Butch told The Christian Post that he converted to Christianity in 2000 after working in Hollywood for nine years.
Butch experienced success with The Fairly OddParents, which was not a Christian show, but Butch shared that he attempted to inject Christian values of love and family into it.
He added that the idea for The Garden first came to him in 2005, but he didn’t do anything with it until 2015, when the Lord impressed it upon his heart.
Read the full article here.