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Erin Seitz: A journey of faith and art

Erin Seitz, an inspiring Christian art teacher, has profoundly impacted students at Lincoln Lutheran Middle/High School in Nebraska. Despite early life challenges as a single mother of three, Seitz secured her dream job, demonstrating that faith can guide one through difficult times. She now integrates biblical principles into her art lessons, empowering students to use their creativity as a form of worship.

Faith and Education: A Calling Fulfilled

Seitz’s passion for teaching art within a Christian framework began in her fifth grade, a calling she didn’t fully understand at the time. After earning a degree in art education, Seitz pursued photography but later returned to teaching when she found an art teacher position at Lincoln Lutheran. The job became a turning point, allowing her to rebuild her life and create a community of believers and friends.

Building a Trauma-Informed Environment

In addition to teaching art, Seitz has created a “trauma-informed space” in her classroom. This area provides comfort for students struggling with mental health issues. Seitz uses her expertise in trauma and resilience, which she is further developing through a master’s degree, to help students manage their emotions and find peace.

Empowering Students Through Acts of Kindness

Seitz founded the Acts of Random Kindness (ARK) club, where students perform small acts of kindness to positively impact their school community. This initiative reflects Seitz’s belief that even the smallest act of kindness can create significant change. Her dedication to fostering a culture of love and integrity has earned her recognition as one of the 2024 Christian Teachers of the Year by the Herzog Foundation.

A Life of Service and Faith

Seitz’s story is one of perseverance and faith. Her dedication to her students and her ability to integrate Christian values into her teaching have made her a respected figure among peers and students alike. Her journey, marked by personal challenges and spiritual growth, serves as a testament to the power of faith in transforming lives and guiding one’s purpose.


Christian Teacher of the Year: Erin Seitz uses art to ‘serve others and share the good news of Jesus’

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