Sponsorship Kit
About FoVD
Faith on View Daily is a free daily (7 days a week) newsletter sharing a broad range of Christian perspectives from 200+ sources so readers can make up their own mind.
Audience Details
- 5,700+ subscribers
- 52% open rate, 11.2% click through rate, 3.5% ads click rate
- 65% male, 35% female
- 50% 35-64 years old
- 94% United States, 3% France, 1% UK
- 14% Texas, 8% Georgia, 7% Florida, 5% Tennessee, 5% Virginia, 4% Pennsylvania, 4% Illinois, 4% Michigan, 4% California, 4% South Carolina, 4% Indiana, 4% Minnesota
- 86% college graduates, 62% hold graduate degrees
- 81% $50,000+, 57% $75,000+, 41% $100,000+, 17% 150,000+
- 79% Married
- Religious Leaning: 57% Conservative, 25% Moderate, 17% Liberal/ Progressive
- Political Leaning: 53% Conservative, 26% Moderate, 21% Liberal/ Progressive
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Sponsorship Opportunities
Featured Sponsor
The Featured sponsor appears at the top of the newsletter with a logo, up to 150 words of native copy, and a call to action.
Rates: Q2 2024
Monthly Packages
1 Placement: $75 USD
- 31-62 estimated clicks
- $1.65 estimated CPC
- 2,650 estimated opens
- $28 estimated CPM
3 Placements in same month: $105 USD
- 90-180 estimated clicks
- $0.76 estimated CPC
- 7,900 estimated opens
- $14 estimated CPM
5 Placements in same month: $170 USD
- 150-310 estimated clicks
- $0.74 estimated CPC
- 13,000 estimated opens
- $13 estimated CPM
7 Placements in same month: $230 USD
- 210-430 estimated clicks
- $0.72 estimated CPC
- 18,500 estimated opens
- $13 estimated CPM
Quarterly Packages
3 placements in 3 months
(9 total): $290 USD
- 280-550 estimated clicks
- $0.70 estimated CPC
- 23,000 estimated opens
- $13 estimated CPM
5 placements in 3 months
(15 total): $470 USD
- 460-930 estimated clicks
- $0.68 estimated CPC
- 39,000 estimated opens
- $12 estimated CPM
7 placements in 3 months
(21 total): $650 USD
- 650-1,300 estimated clicks
- $0.67 estimated CPC
- 55,000 estimated opens
- $12 estimated CPM
2nd Spot
The Second Spot is a third of a way down the newsletter. It features a logo, up to 100 words of native copy, and a call to action.
Rates: Q2 2024
Monthly Packages
1 Placement: $30 USD
- 23-41 estimated clicks
- $1.00 estimated CPC
- 2,650 estimated opens
- $11 estimated CPM
3 Placements in same month: $40 USD
- 65-120 estimated clicks
- $0.45 estimated CPC
- 7,900 estimated opens
- $5.25 estimated CPM
5 Placements in same month: $60 USD
- 110-200 estimated clicks
- $0.40 estimated CPC
- 13,000 estimated opens
- $4.65 estimated CPM
7 Placements in same month: $80 USD
- 160-280 estimated clicks
- $0.40 estimated CPC
- 18,500 estimated opens
- $4.40 estimated CPM
Quarterly Packages
3 placements in 3 months
(9 total): $100 USD
- 200-360 estimated clicks
- $0.37 estimated CPC
- 23,000 estimated opens
- $4.40 estimated CPM
5 placements in 3 months
(15 total): $155 USD
- 340-610 estimated clicks
- $0.34 estimated CPC
- 39,000 estimated opens
- $4.00 estimated CPM
7 placements in 3 months
(21 total): $210 USD
- 480-850 estimated clicks
- $0.33 estimated CPC
- 55,000 estimated opens
- $3.90 estimated CPM
3rd Spot
The Third Spot is just over halfway down the newsletter. It features a logo, up to 75 words of native copy, and a call to action.
Rates: Q2 2024
Monthly Packages
1 Placement: $20 USD
- 4-11 estimated clicks
- $3.75 estimated CPC
- 2,650 estimated opens
- $9.50 estimated CPM
3 Placements in same month: $30 USD
- 12-33 estimated clicks
- $1.70 estimated CPC
- 7,900 estimated opens
- $4.75 estimated CPM
5 Placements in same month: $45 USD
- 20-55 estimated clicks
- $1.50 estimated CPC
- 13,000 estimated opens
- $4.25 estimated CPM
7 Placements in same month: $55 USD
- 30-77 estimated clicks
- $1.45 estimated CPC
- 18,500 estimated opens
- $3.75 estimated CPM
Quarterly Packages
3 placements in 3 months
(9 total): $65 USD
- 35-95 estimated clicks
- $1.40 estimated CPC
- 23,000 estimated opens
- $3.50 estimated CPM
5 placements in 3 months
(15 total): $105 USD
- 60-160 estimated clicks
- $1.30 estimated CPC
- 39,000 estimated opens
- $3.50 estimated CPM
7 placements in 3 months
(21 total): $135 USD
- 85-230 estimated clicks
- $1.25 estimated CPC
- 55,000 estimated opens
- $3.00 estimated CPM
4th Spot
The Fourth Spot is in the bottom third of the newsletter. It features a logo, up to 50 words of native copy, and a call to action. Not available on weekend editions.
Rates: Q2 2024
Monthly Packages
1 Placement: $15 USD
- 3-5 estimated clicks
- $3.75 estimated CPC
- 2,650 estimated opens
- $7 estimated CPM
3 Placements in same month: $25 USD
- 9-15 estimated clicks
- $2.08 estimated CPC
- 7,900 estimated opens
- $4.00 estimated CPM
5 Placements in same month:
$35 USD
- 15-25 estimated clicks
- $1.75 estimated CPC
- 13,000 estimated opens
- $3.50 estimated CPM
7 Placements in same month: $45 USD
- 20-35 estimated clicks
- $1.61 estimated CPC
- 18,500 estimated opens
- $3.00 estimated CPM
Quarterly Packages
3 placements in 3 months
(9 total): $50 USD
- 30-45 estimated clicks
- $1.39 estimated CPC
- 23,000 estimated opens
- $2.75 estimated CPM
5 placements in 3 months
(15 total): $80 USD
- 45-75 estimated clicks
- $1.33 estimated CPC
- 39,000 estimated opens
- $2.50 estimated CPM
7 placements in 3 months
(21 total): $110 USD
- 60-110 estimated clicks
- $1.31 estimated CPC
- 55,000 estimated opens
- $2.50 estimated CPM