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Christian schools in New England defend religious rights in court

Christian schools in Maine and Vermont are challenging state laws that allegedly infringe on their religious beliefs. These schools argue that participation in public programs is being unfairly restricted due to their views on gender identity, sexuality, and Christianity. Public interest law firms are now appealing lower court decisions that upheld state actions in favor of Maine and Vermont in what may become landmark cases in the 1st and 2nd U.S. Circuit courts of appeal.

Key Religious Rights at Stake in School Participation

At the heart of the appeals is the debate over whether state laws, particularly those involving educational programs, should be subject to “strict scrutiny.” This standard, the most stringent level of judicial review, was not applied in the lower court rulings. Instead, the schools claim that the courts used the lower rational basis test, a move criticized by legal advocates for minimizing government misconduct in religious matters.

The lawsuits stem from cases where Christian schools were either barred from participating in town tuitioning programs, as in the case of Bangor Christian School, or expelled from sports leagues, like Mid Vermont Christian School. The legal filings argue that these schools are being punished for adhering to their religious teachings, including their views on marriage, gender identity, and salvation.

The outcome of these appeals could have far-reaching implications for religious institutions across the U.S. In Maine, the state’s legislation was amended in response to a prior Supreme Court ruling favoring religious schools. The ongoing appeals will determine if religious schools can continue participating in state programs without compromising their core beliefs.


New England Christian Schools Ask Appeals Courts for Justice Against State Discrimination

Image: Wikimedia.org

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