Studies show that Christian millennials have a higher likelihood to donate monetary funds to non-profits then non-Christians.
LifeWay Research conducted a survey last Wednesday by asking 905 young adults between the ages of 25 and 40 years old (millennials) about their money spending habits.
LifeWay Research results yielded that “the typical Christian young adult donates more than three times as much as non-Christians over a year”. Moreover Christian millennials have a higher probability of donating to churches (37 percent) than their non-Christian peers (8 percent).
Both Christian and non-Christian participants approximate that they give $0 to a GoFundMe page. Eighty percent of non-Christian millennials objected to contributing to crowdfunding platforms than Christians. Eighty percent of non-Christian refused to donate funds to “non-religious charities or educational organizations, compared to their Christian counterparts at 71 percent.
Results calculated overall show that Christian millennials were 45 percent more likely than non-Christian young adults (30 percent) to say they donated to any kind of charity, religious or non-religious. The participants were also questioned how they spend their income.
Most Christian millennials say they’ve attempted to buy from places that act in ways that honor their Christian vows. This falls in line with 56 percent of Christians who report their religion ties with their day to day life.
In a statement announcing the survey’s results, LifeWay Research CEO Scott McConnell stated that “AdelFi was interested in understanding what differences exist in how younger Christians handle their money compared to non-Christians.” Based on the results of the study, McConnell concluded that “Christians are much more active in donating their finances and no less active in trying to do good with their spending.”
“One would expect Christians to give more than non-Christians to churches and religious organizations, but they are also more likely to donate to 3 out of 4 other types of recipients,” he added”.
“While overall the financial generosity of Christian young adults is very noticeable, there remains a large group who don’t practice their belief in the need to give to a local church.”
LifeWay’s survey also showed that Christian millennials donate three times as much than non-Christians over 365 days — $1,820 vs. $556. In addition, 37 percent of Christian millennials were more likely to give to a local church, compared to 8 percent of non-Christians. Furthermore, a small number of Christian millennials (48 percent) believe Christians “have a responsibility to do business with companies that are owned or operated by Christians.”
McConnell reacted to faith playing a role in monetary decisions of Christian young adults, he said, “Young adults are very conscious about trying to make a difference in society with their purchases,” adding, “Christian young adults are no exception.”
The survey’s results show discrepancies between Christians and non-Christians views, and what they do depending on their beliefs. Many have firm grips, maintaining those beliefs no matter where they go. Faith plays a factor into financial decisions of millennials (plus people in general). Christians seemed more likely to donate funds compared to non-Christians.
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