
What does Isaiah 41:10 say?


The Prelude: A Glimpse into the Book of Isaiah “Isaiah’s testament emerges as a captivating amalgam blending prophetic visions, poetic eloquence, and historical accounts. Revered as the ‘Fifth Evangelist,’ it occupies a central position in …

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What is salvation?

Disputa by Rafael

The Journey into Salvation Salvation, which comes from the Latin word salvare meaning ‘to save’, is a concept which has been a central focus in multiple religions and philosophies for centuries. Contemporary minds also wrestle …

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What does it mean to be “god fearing”?

Sacrifice of Isaac

The concept of being “God-fearing” in Christian terminology How can one fear a god whose defining attribute is his ceaseless, unbounded love? How could fear possibly be a positive attribute? For some, the term โ€œGod-fearingโ€ …

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What is Evolution?

The illustration of the evolution of man is shown.

What is evolution, and why is it controversial among Christians? Christians respond to the theory of evolution in various ways. All Christians maintain some form of creationism, that God created the cosmos as described in …

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What is life?

A pile of Scrabble tiles are face down with only the letters LIFE turned over.

If you are reading this, then it is safe to assume that we have at least one thing in common: we are living beings. To exist can be overwhelming, especially because no one in the …

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