
John Fea: Shot by Culture Warriors

John Fea sitting on a rock at the edge of a small river

I ran across this story about John Fea this morning and I find it truly disturbing. Fea is a history professor and Department Chair at Messiah College who recently made the cardinal sin of saying …

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Are We Voting Away Our Witness?

Reading aesthetics in a redwood forest

For good or ill, the evangelical community has been highly politicized for the last 30 years. The Religious Right has become a political force that has the power to sway elections and the very direction …

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Where is the gospel in our politics?

Woman holding a sign talking about her healthcare needs and how Obamacare helped her.

I know a guy who is a really nice college student. He is personable, gentle, and loving. However, like so many Christians today his political rhetoric seems devoid of the compassion he exhibits in his …

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