
Accreditation, Bigotry, and Paranoia

Pastor in his collar standing at the plaque commemorating the location where Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated.

This is a wonderful piece written by Bob Vincent Pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church in Alexandria, Louisiana. I think this is a powerful piece dealing with some profound spiritual issues. It is personally interesting to …

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Louisiana College…Moving Forward

Martin Performing Art Center at Louisiana Christian University

The whisper in the wind is that President Joe Aguillard will soon be removed as President of Louisiana College. Some think it will happen in today’s board meeting while others believe he will hold on …

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Louisiana College, The SBC, Calvinism, and Ethics

Guinn Auditorium at Louisiana College

Sadly, a war over Calvinism has been brewing in the SBC for a long time. Louisiana seems to have decided to be the main battle ground for this war. Last year, forces within the SBC that want to wage this war put forward A Statement of Traditional Southern Baptist Understanding of God’s Plan of Salvation” to be voted upon at the national convention in New Orleans. The statement was introduced to the world at SBC Today by Eric Hankins who is a pastor in Mississippi and son of Louisiana Baptist Convention Executive Director David Hankins. Both David Hankins and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary President Chuck Kelly were signatories on the statement. There were fears among some that the statement would become a litmus test for employment of religion faculty at the state convention owned Louisiana College.

After the national convention, fervor over the issues subsided as there seemed to be a clear message of unity coming from the national SBC leadership. However, Louisiana College President Joe Aguillard has recently thrust the issue back into the spot light. Aguillard released a position paper on Calvinism in which he states, “My love for all Baptists including Calvinists, does not constitute our approval of its being advocated at Louisiana College.”

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Potato Jesus, Not Potato Famine

A before and after picture of a poorly restored painting of Jesus.

Last week during my Iconoclasm class at GTU  with Dr. Mia Mochizuki, I learned about what my classmate was calling the Potato Jesus. Cecilia Giménez an, 80+ year old, parishioner of a church in Spain ruined an Ecce …

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