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Bishop Budde receives 20,000 letters after powerful Trump sermon

A Sermon That Sparked National Attention

Washington Bishop Mariann Budde has become a focal point of national and international discussion following her Jan. 21 sermon at Washington National Cathedral. Speaking directly to President Donald Trump, who was in attendance, Budde urged him to “have mercy” on those fearful of his policies, including LGBTQ+ individuals and immigrants. Her plea for compassion resonated with many but also drew sharp criticism from Trump and his supporters.

An Outpouring of Support

Budde has received more than 20,000 physical letters in response to her sermon, most expressing gratitude and encouragement. In a video recorded in front of the letters, Budde shared her appreciation, saying, “There is a spirit of love and goodness in this land that flows through all of us.” Many Americans view her as a courageous voice advocating for kindness and human dignity during a period of political upheaval.

Trump’s Criticism and Divided Reactions

Trump reacted angrily to Budde’s sermon, demanding an apology and labeling her a “Radical Left hard line Trump hater.” His remarks fueled a polarized response, with many of his supporters condemning Budde’s words as divisive and disrespectful. While her physical mail was overwhelmingly positive, email responses to the diocese were more mixed, reflecting the nation’s deep political divisions.

Recognition from Church Leaders

Churchwide leaders have publicly supported Budde, praising her for her “courageous, Gospel-related words.” During a Feb. 17-19 Executive Council meeting in Maryland, she was met with applause and words of encouragement. Some attendees voiced concerns for her safety, but Budde reassured them she was unharmed. One council member described her sermon as “a breaking in of the Spirit into the midst of much turmoil.”

A Call for Unity and Courage

In a Feb. 25 Facebook video, which quickly garnered over 300,000 views, Budde encouraged Americans to stand together in bravery. She urged people to “take courage from one another” and work toward a just and compassionate society. Her message inspires supporters as the nation navigates a politically charged climate.


Bishop Mariann Budde receives mountain of supportive mail after post-inauguration sermon
Photo by Kate Macate on Unsplash

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