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Baylor University holds 72-hour prayer event

Baylor University recently hosted its FM72 event which enabled faculty, students and staff to pray and worship for 72 successive hours. The Baptist Christian university, located in Waco, Texas, held its annual prayer event from March 19 to March 22. A prayer tent was set up where participants could engage in uninterrupted worship and listen to readings from the Bible. Participating speakers included Rev. Sam Doyle, pastor of Greater New Light Baptist Church, Dale Wallace, former leader of Vertical Ministries and Yanit Ross, former missionary and senior adult minister of Highland Baptist Church, among others. On the eventโ€™s last night, 20 participants were baptized.

Christian Headlines reports:

Baylor University partnered with campus ministries and local churches to host its annual FM72 event, which welcomes students, faculty and staff to the campus’s Fountain Mall to worship the Lord for 72 consecutive hours.

According to the Baylor website, the worship event ran from Sunday, March 19, through Wednesday, March 22, and included a prayer tent where participants could go to participate in continual worship and hear readings from the Word at 8 pm each night.

Speakers included former Vertical Ministries leader Dale Wallace, Greater New Light Baptist Church pastor Rev. Sam Doyle, Highland Baptist Church senior adult minister and former missionary Yanit Ross, and Antioch Community Church pastor and elder Carl Gulley.

The theme, CBN News reports, was “Lord, teach us to pray,” based on Luke 11:1, which says, “One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.'”

Inspired by a 90-day revival that broke out at Baylor in 1945, FM72 became a regular fixture at the Christian university starting in 2019.

“The purpose of FM72 is to stir a passion for Jesus Christ in the Baylor community,” Associate chaplain and director for Chapel and Campus Ministries at Baylor Charles Ramsey, Ph.D. said in a statement.

“It is a time to take inventory of one’s own journey, to linger in prayer, and to recalibrate towards what is most important: our shared faith in Jesus Christ. Simply put, the goal is that every person experiences a clear, caring and compelling invitation to know Jesus and to find a discipleship community where they can grow and flourish.”

According to CBN News, 20 attendees were baptized on the last night of the event.

Read the full article here.

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