Kendall Qualls, in the has written an article that stands as an example of calm, rational thought on the topic of racism in America. He paints a picture of America that is radically different from what the media shows us.
This is not the dream King had in mind, and it has been a nightmare for children born during this period.ย The black community has been used as a political pawn for 50 years.
Therefore, I have taken on this crusade to begin a transformation back to cultural roots in the black community and reverse a trend that has devastated generations of families, including helpless children born into situations not of their own making.
I know from personal experience that this country is not systemically racist.ย My parents and grandparents lived through systemic racism. I did not.
He goes on to tell us how the white supremacy indoctrination is what is keeping black people down and they need to quit listening to it.
Today, black American citizens who have legally immigrated from the Caribbean Islands and African countries like Nigeria earn significantly higher incomes than native-born black Americans. They achieve higher levels of education. They are living the American dream civil rights leaders desired for us.
Many of these new citizens came to the country with intact families, which helped with their achievement and integration.ย Another reason for their success is they have not been indoctrinated by years of anti-white, anti-American, and anti-capitalist hatred.
Qualls has given us a refreshing take on our society from a viewpoint that we don’t often see. Read the full article HERE.